Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

October 2001

Great Horwood, Bucks.  66 yards mixed maiden hedge. South of England style.

View from corner of paddock before laying
View from corner of paddock after laying
View towards paddock before laying View towards paddock after laying


My South of England Open Class hedge at the National Hedgelaying Championships at Colsterworth, Lincs
My section before laying
Just a few stems left to lay and a sycamore to be left as a standard tree
Putting on the binding as time is rapidly running out! Phew! The finished article


BTCV Broughton Crossing, near Aylesbury. 44 yards very overgrown hawthorn and blackthorn hedge, 
Hybrid style, unbound and left extra bushy for bird habitat
View towards canal before laying with ash trees just visible above the rest of the hedge
View towards canal after laying with the ash and some thorn left as trees
The client wanted as much material as possible retained on laying to provide habitat for birds Myself and hardy perennial volunteers Rob Niblet and Euan Bull


Ford, Bucks.  40 yards sparse elm hedge. South of England style.
View looking to house before laying
Partial view of completed hedge


Soulbury, Bucks.  22 yards very gappy mixed hawthorn hedge.  Midland style.
General view of hedge before laying
The red leaved myrobolan barely visible in the before photo has been left as a tree.  Some of the hawthorn has been laid both ways to fill in the gaps.