Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

February 2003

Dinton, Bucks.  26 yards mixed thorn hedge. Midland Style.

General view from              field before laying
General view                from field after laying
Detail view of this              Midland style hedge Detail view showing              very large laid ash stem


BTCV Prestwood.  Hedgelaying training course. 50 yards hawthorn and hazel laid South of England style
Hedge before              laying
Hedge                after laying with large ash and thorn left as trees.                Volunteer at left gives an idea of the scale.
Starting to              clear out the bottom of the hedge Finished!              Happy group of volunteers keep warm by the remnants of the              fire behind


Standalone Warren, Beds. 133 yards maiden hawthorn hedge. South of England.
General view before              laying
And this is how it                ended up!


Chesham Bois, Bucks. 22 yards beech & holly hedge.  South of England style.
General view of this very              overgrown hedge before laying
Work in progress
Detail of completed hedge              from garden side Roadside view of section              of completed hedge


Soulbury, Bucks.  9 yards hawthorn, holly, ash and elm.  South of England style.
General view of hedge              before laying
Completed South of                England hedge