Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

October 2012

122 yards hawthorn hedge, Great Kingshill, staked every three paces, no binders

Work in progress View from start of hedge
Looking              back to start of hedge

Hazel hedge repair Stewkley
This hedge was created from four or five stools of hazel in 2004 and has been well maintained by the owner ever since. 
At one end it had thinned where a tree had fallen across it.
The adjacent hazel was allowed to grow up so that it could fill in the gap when laid into the gap from either side.
Initial              view... Same view              laid

10 yards hawthorn and plum hedge, Steeple Claydon, Midland style
The householder had started to strip ivy out of this hedge but stopped when this revealed how gappy the base of the hedge was.
Initial              view, very overgrownm with iovy, some of which has already              been cut and showing brown View              with all ivy stripped out
Completed              Midland style hedge Close-up of finished hedge

2012 National Championships, my section, 10 yards Midland style hawthorn
I was pleased with the section of hedge that I drew this year, but as there was no-one working beyond me, the end of the hedge tapers away to nothing....
My section before My section complete
My section before My section complete

Prestwood, Bucks, 100 yards hazel hedge with hawthorn, blackthorn, dogwood, spindle, field maple, oak
Massive hazel hedge on chalk with flints, live staking used to retain hedge between fence behind and slope in front.
One of many large hazel stools with my chainsaw in              there to show size. Hawthorn in centre being left as a              standard. Same view as left, laid with live              stake retained at left of hazel stool to retain next              section of hedge. Firewood foreground from surplus hazel.
Another              section before, showing chainsaw for scale Same view as left laid, again              with live stake to retain hedge
Oak tree in there somewhere..... ... and revealed in all its splendour.