Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

January 2013

10 yards beech hedge, Northall, South of England style
A return to this hedge to lay a short section of beech too slight to lay on my previous visit in 2008.
Although the original hedge was laid Midland style, the new beech section was laid South of England style
to make the most of the material available

Original hedge in March 2008

This shows how the hedge originally appeared in March 2008
Laid Midland style, March 2008

This is how it looked when laid Midland style, March 2008
Regrowth on laid hedge

This is how the original hedge looked in January 2013. 
It has been kept quite tidy.
Short section of              beech to be tied into previously laid hedge ... and laid seamlessly into              existing hedge

Wing Church, 99 yards mixed maiden hedge, South of England style
View from start of              hedge.... Same view, work in progress
Newly laid,                      excess brush not yet cleared Brush                      cleared Starting to grow again,                      early spring 2013