Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

November 2013

68 yards hawthorn, Wing, South of England and Midland style
Various short sections of maiden hawthorn laid South of England and an older farm hedge laid Midland style

First section              of hedge before... First section              of hedge before...
Close up of              South of England hedge
Corner of              garden before Corner of              garden after
Two tall stems before..... ...same two stems laid
Greenhouse section before... ...greenhouse section complete
Detail of ditch section before... ...and after
Final section before... ...and after



170 yards mixed maiden hedge, Stansted
This substantial hedge was planted as a double staggered row and there was enough material to leave alternating live stakes either side of the hedge rather than staking and binding.  This was both cost effective and gave a very strong finish
Initial view from first ash tree back to start one              end of hedge Initial view from other end of hedge
Goats the far side especially fond              of hornbeam! Cute, but hungry!
Live stakes alternate each side of              the hedge Another view showing live stakes              retaining the hedge


North West Bucks Agricultural Association Hedgelaying Competition, 10 yards Midland
Very straggly hedge definitely in need of laying!
My section before My section complete
My section detail My section complete

Stanbridge, Beds, hawthorn and blackthorn, South of England,
Four separate sections of old farm hedge and newer maiden blackthorn hedges
First section before laying First section complete
Second section before laying Second section complete
Third              section laid tight to post and rail fence
Fourth section before laying Fourth section complete