Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

February 2014

Wimpole competition, Cambridgeshire, Midland style

My section before... My section              complete...
My section complete My section complete

One-day hedgelaying training course for the Greensand Trust at Maulden Wood, Clophill
Hedge before staking and binding. ...same view, hedge staked and              bound
View from              far end showing what original hedge was like


82 yards hawthorn, plum and holly hedge with mature oak standards, Potters Bar, Herts. This hedge was laid for the National Trust.
This old and long-neglected hedge had recently been fenced to protect it from cattle. Laid South of England style.
Start of hedge              completed Same view              looking back to start of hedge, holly much in evidence
General view You don't often find a tree this              big in a hedge
Close up of South of              England binding Detail of completed hedge