Paul Blissett Hedgelaying

30 years hedging in Bucks, Beds & Herts
Twelve miles of hedge laid since 2000
The first and largest hedgelaying website

October 2015

190 yards hedge, Ascott, Bucks. Midland and South of England Styles
Not all of this hedge was layable but four separate sections could be laid

The first section featured lots of ha
Work in              progress. Hazel with a section of blackthorn in the              centre. Gate section laid, metal gateposts remain
Pleasingly              uniform hazel section
View              along length of hedge Detail              of Midland staking and binding
The second and shortest section was all blackthorn....
Second              section before Second section              after
The third section was very dense blackthorn and created a huge pile of brush in front of the completed hedge....
Third              section before laying
Start              of third section Work in              progress
End of              third section Looking              back to start of third section
Large piece of              cherry with a kink gives a nice end to the hedge Third section              complete
Hard to see              completed hedge with all the brush in front!

The fourth section was blackthorn with some hawthorn and thinner and laid South of England style which, with brush front and back for a denser finish....
Fourth section              looking from the start Fourth section looking back to the start
Fourth section              complete looking from start Fourth              section complete looking from end
Work              in progress
Detail showing stakes and binders Binding at end of hedge tucked in securely